Desecration (1999)
I Don't Get It
27 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I've read quite a few good reviews on this movie and I just can't understand why. Now I know foreign horror films tend to have some very bad acting. (which this one does)And they pride themselves on being very atmospheric. (one of the few plusses with this movie) But why must they be so damn disjointed. It's like the editting is performed by someone having seizures. The movie is all over the place and totally incoherent. Maybe it's just me but most Italian horror flics seem to have the same problems. They make little sense. I bought this movie on sale and I was still robbed! SPOILER: The model airplane death scene has to be one of the lamest deaths I've ever witnessed! The old lady ought to be put in a home though the son was good for a few chuckles. The only really intense scene was the nun being killed by the scissors. And the ending.... doesn't exist!! What the hell is this movie about??? Terrible movie... avoid at any and all costs!!!
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