The Day the World Ended (2001 TV Movie)
Not great but..
30 November 2003
.. Are people THAT afraid of an overweight nurse? I mean,

seriously, get over it!

No, it wasn't a great movie, but an overweight middle-aged nurse

isn't something to hate it for. There ARE such people in the world,

my friends. If the 15 second sex scene scared you that much, I

think YOU need to visit Kinski's shrink character. (Older, unpretty

people have sex. Deal with it. I bet you're the same people that

freaked over Anthony Hopkins doing a love scene in The Human


Definately not a great movie.. I kind of feel sorry for Quaid and

Kinski.. They're stuck in low-budget made-for-video films, despite

being pretty good actors.

I don't think it was bad enough to "shoot you with a pellet gun,"

though. That's a little overkill. There are a lot worse films.

I'd give it a 4 out of a 10. Despite not being a good film, I did watch

it all the way through. I wanted to see the ending, though some of

the middle was rather dull.

For alien movie lovers, I'd recommend War of the World (older

color version, with the aliens with the blinking lights and really

creepy hands) and It! The Creature (Thing?) from Outer Space.

4/10 stars
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