The Pretender 2001 (2001 TV Movie)
A worthy sequel
23 January 2001
This sequel to the NBC series "The Pretender" was released in January 2001, months after the show had been cancelled, in response to an Internet campaign by legions of devoted fans. The movie picks up right where the last season left off, and all of the major characters as well as the plot are intact. The movie retains the tone and style of the series, but also includes a basic introduction for viewers not familiar with the plot. Michael T. Weiss reprises his role as Jarod, a human chameleon able to assume any role or profession he wants. Kidnapped by a shady organisation called the Centre as a child, he was trained by Sydney (Patrick Bauchau) and then, as a grown man, fled to have a chance at the life he had missed. Now, Centre operatives Miss Parker (Andrea Parker) and computer geek Broots (Jon Gries) have been assigned to hunt for him. The movie involves Jarod's and Miss Parker's attempts to find the truth about their respective pasts. Many more secrets are revealed and questions raised in the new TNT movie, making it a worthy sequel as well as a possibly bankable franchise for the network.
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