Review of Soul Assassin

Soul Assassin (2001)
Overall a thumbs up -I rented a pleasant surprise - the ending was the real kick.
15 November 2002
Soul Assassin is about a young man Kevin Burke, (played by Skeet Ulrich) who's the golden boy at his work. It seems like he has everything, nice boss, nice salary, nice girlfriend (a co-worker), and even a healthy rivalry with the bosses' son "Junior" (don't call him that it makes him mad.) It's a big day for Kevin, he's going to propose to his girlfriend - so the boss gives him the afternoon off, the keys to a fancy hotel room and (as it turns out) a promotion to VP of Security.

Kevin and his girlfriend go to the hotel, his future looks bright, everything's going according to plan - unfortunately for Kevin it's not HIS plan. When they arrive at the hotel Kevin tries to set the mood, but his girlfriends a little antsy - - she asks him what the real reason is they're there and looks like she needs to tell him something important when the door knocks, she looks at Kevin..."Go ahead and answer it" (one of his surprises no doubt), she opens the door to reveal a bellboy holding 2 dozen roses with a card that says "Will you marry me?" - - then the bellboy opens fire, and despite Kevin's efforts, the bellboy kills his future fiancee and gets away. Then the story begins...who killed Kevin's girlfriend, and why?

I liked it! :-) A little over-stylized and it felt like a suspense film shot as an action. They used the blue filter so much you wondered why they just didn't shoot in B&W. To be honest, the end was a real hook (and you wouldn't want me to reveal the end would you? ;-))

Skeet Ulrich was amazingly likeable in this role as an ordinary guy, who's pretty much got everything handed to him, but DOESN'T let that interfere with his ability to reason. I've never really liked Skeet until this movie, it was a good choice for him.

My second favorite character was the don't really know who he is until the end - because everyone's pretty much a suspect but trust me it turns out to be the guy you LOVE to hate. I liked the introduction of the gay hacker, nicely done (and not overdone) - it's rare to see a gay man in a movie who's not totally over-the-top or totally dead-serious. PLUS...they've allowed the gay man to have a brain, which is probably a first.

Some of the dialogue made me smile, like when Kevin' walkin' up the steps to Tessa's apartment dressed in disguise as a delivery guy and some retard's like "Hey, I love your California Rolls" and Kevin says "Thanks, I make 'em myself".

There was a cool bike getaway scene, very nice. A ramp jump to the top of a passing boat saved his life, then he turns around and flips them off. Nice touch (lol). Those bad guys should've trained a little harder in their childhood neighborhood so they wouldn't be left in the dust. I'd also never seen a film made in Rotterdam (that I can remember) so it was a nice different kind of flavor for a backdrop.

Overall a thumbs up, for me it was like "Resident Evil" - the end really pulled it all together and made me think it was a good movie.
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