Review of Naken

Naken (2000)
not very original but enjoyable comedy (not for prudes, though)
10 March 2002
Swedish movies are usually a rare phenomenon in Hungarian cinemas, so I was pleased to see that Naken is already the second one this year. Although it is very far behind the recent Sånger från andra våningen (which is a magical movie!), it is still an enjoyable comedy. Originality is not the keyword here: the whole story is a Swedish remake of Groundhog Day and many of the gags are also taken from other movies. (However, it is anyway hard to show anything new in film-making and this is not really expected from a lightweight comedy.) The reason I liked this movie is that despite of all the copying there is more originality left in it than in a usual Hollywood comedy. Perhaps this is due to the fact that naked men are shown in a natural way (imagine how much work would be invested in a prudish Hollywood movie to cut the "thing" out), perhaps this is just the "exotic bonus" of movies made outside the mainstream movie-making countries: I liked the "Swedish taste" (or what I thought to be the "Swedish taste"). Obviously this excentric movie is not the best way to look into Swedish society, but in some scenes you still get a glimpse of it.
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