Nasty, trivial and worthless non-entity of a film
2 March 2003
This film attempts to do an Irish version of the marvellous 'Plunkett and Macleane', but unfortunately fails miserably. It glamorises the historically accurate rape and kidnap of women by second sons who have need of keeping themselves in the style to which their fathers have brought them up. Quite who thought this would be a good topic for a film defeats me!

None of the characters caught either my interest, attention or concern. The male leads were boorish, thick headed and lacking any kind of sense or intelligence at all. The female leads were vacuous bimbos with scarcely an original thought or utterance between them.

The script and plot was inept, tired and thoroughly predictable. Editing was pedestrian at best. I'll grant that the backdrop was very attractive - it would have been a much better film if they'd simply filmed the locations without the cast intruding into the scene.

This is a dreadful film - do not waste your time and money watching it.
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