Review of Going Greek

Going Greek (2001)
22 July 2004
This movie was, as the summary says, absolutely horrible. I can't understand how a script like this ever even got read by anyone other than the writer/director's mother and dog. Seriously, this had to have been written by a twelve year old boy. The film is full of horrible one liners, terribly developed characters, and things that aren't really gross out gags, but just gross. In the end it does nothing but glorify fraternities, and reveal the weaknesses inherent in the individuals who join them.

By the way, if you think you're going to rent this for a light evening of fart jokes and titties, think again. The scenes are completely random with absolutely no comedic build up or timing, much less any witty sight gags or slap stick. There are about two sets of boobs, and one of them is the worst pair of implants I've ever seen in my life. And I watch a lot of this crap.

I laughed once, and that was only to keep from crying from embarrassment for the "creative" team behind this schlock.

Anyway, it probably seems as if I've written quite a bit for something I claim to not be worth my time; I'm just outraged that my friend spent a three dollar rental fee on this. Simply outraged.
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