Two Reviews for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
26 August 2001
JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK (*** out of **** for Kevin Smith Junkies)

You'll wet your pants at the return of Dante and Randal. Brodie will hit you like a lightning bolt, and you'll go into an overload as Holden flashes onto the screen with a hilarious send-up of Jay's entrance in CHASING AMY.

For those of you who adored MALLRATS and hailed it Smith's best work, this is the movie you've waited for since '95. JAY AND SILENT BOB is the second View Askew movie to not contain a trace of dramatic content, and to those who looked down on 'RATS, well, this one will simply please you because A, it's the Askewniverse, and B, it's got *everyone* you've missed during the years.

A nice end to the series, but one can wish for something more... along the lines of the CLERKS: SELLIN' OUT coming out next year. But until then, this will hold our cravings down.

JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK (** out of **** for View Askew virgins)

It's very simplistic, with no real character development save the two title stars. They live in a world we apparently should know, but any lack of knowledge on Smith's previous works will drop you from this loop in an instant. It's enjoyable from start to finish, but you can tell it's nothing special.


I enjoyed it. Very much so, in fact. But I can see why it got so many mixed reviews, and why many have complained that it honors Kevin Smith's fictional universe so much. However, it should be noted that although this is not considered a sequel, it is the final chapter in a series, and should be viewed in succession to get the full effect.
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