Worse than a TV Episode, No New CGI, Horrible.
16 October 2000
I am an avid fan of the "little monster" scene. Actually I like Pokemon, Digimon and Monster Rancher and watch each whenever I can. I was excited when this came out, and actually convinced my Husband to come out and watch it. (He's a big fan of Weregargumon)..

We came into the theater on a Sunday night, sat and watched the first 10 minutes, a HORRIBLE "Amanda Anaconda" short.. we were praying that this isn't part of the Movie..

Eventually the Movie began.. The scene where they go back to the beginning was well done, However from there it just got worse and worse. Wondering if they ran over budget early. The whole attack with the "computer virus digimon" was almost painful to watch. I was hoping and expecting cool CGI scenes, and that moment would have been perfect for it. but we got real cheesy looking backgrounds and the well used (and abused) "vid screen" look when the human characters interacted with the digimon on the Internet.

As for the Digimon Characters, they often went from well drawn and shadowed figures, to obviously quickly sketched and colored scenes. I think they used scraps of episodes cut out from the TV series and re-used them for the movie, and quickly sketched when they had to patch up the holes.

The character Interaction was funny at times. you will get a giggle or 2 from it.

The movie did contain some realistic and beautiful scenes. But it just felt incomplete, and drowned out with very sloppy ones. I give this movie an overall 1 because they should have held it in production a lot longer and finished it.

There was nothing "digital" about this Movie. The CGI scenes were the exact same as the TV series. This could have been ALOT Better. FOX, I am Ashamed you released this movie as it is. I am a Digimon Fan and this was Butchered together.

I suggest you Save your $$ and get this one on Video. but even then you'll be disappointed. This was BAD!!

`` MoonLight ``
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