Stick a Fork in Star Trek
15 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Let me state, for the record, that I have loved Star Trek for most of my life. "The Next Generation" is still one of my favorite TV shows, thanks to enduring cable exposure. Traditionally, the ST films alternate good/bad. Star Trek II, IV, VI, and First Contact were very good, but parts I, III, V, Generations and Insurrection were not that good, with part V being the outright worst outing ever. Logically, this meant Nemesis should have been an upswing. Sadly, it is mediocre at best, which in my opinion sounds the death knell for Star Trek.

The largest problem here is, like Insurrection, the antagonist simply isn't intimidating in the slightest. Besides being skinny and bald, he spends a majority of the film sitting down or doubled over in pain (why I won't say, for "spoilers" sake). His alien subordinates look more intimidating, but don't really DO anything scary. One of them seems kind of psychic, but that is never really explained for any reason.

Speaking of "no explanation," I found the new android to be ludicrous. Without giving anything away, the "other Data" you see in the commercials is a walking plot hole whose every action is a forgone conclusion. When I saw Brent Spiner (the actor who plays Data) had a writing credit, I knew who was responsible too. Data does a lot of ridiculous things in the film, the least of which is sing Irving Berlin's "Blue Skys."

I'm not the die-hard Star Trek fan I once was, and movies like Nemesis show me why. It's just not very good, certainly not worth price of admission. If you want to enjoy a 40-year old franchise, go see James Bond in Die Another Day. Now that movie had a bald bad guy, and it worked! ^_^
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