Video clip
6 January 2004
100% formulaic modern filmmaking with no vision and no storytelling interest whatsoever. High production values, though, and top-notch camera work and cinematography.

This is once again a giant video-clip, relying only on "beautiful" images and a background musical syrup, with a "moving" story which is sadly reduced to an excuse to produce an empty and potentially mass-appealing cinematic hull. Just to be sure, they used the LOTR-Jackson visual approach... ah ah.

Any real emotion, any real drama is wiped out, drowned into the linear, clean, comfortable, morphin-like images and sound. "World music" MTV video-clip. Peter Gabriel should be ashamed to join the gang.

This over-aesthetic, over-idealized and utterly boring filmmaking seems to be highly appreciated. This comes as no surprise to me. With people fed with TV commercials and fake art, what would you expect? Real drama? Real questions? Really moving stories? Naaaaah. THEY DON'T MAKE ENOUGH SALES: THEY GET PEOPLE UPSET. So feed them SUGAR. The sweeter, the better. Simple, effective, profitable. The public even has a little extra: good conscience for viewing a "humanist" movie.

The technical staff is bloody competent, though, some shots are magnificent. I can see some really interesting people were involved. Too bad that more and more competent people get corrupted by those cynical executives.
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