Storytelling (2001)
The only redeeming feature about this movie was its brevity
9 June 2004
Watching this movie was the biggest waste of 85 minutes in a long time. Now don't get me wrong, I love strange, quirky, quiet little films. I loved "But I'm a Cheerleader" and "Lost in Translation". I almost enjoyed "Dirty Pretty Things", and really liked "Requiem for a Dream". Not the same types of films as this, but it shows I have an open enough mind when it comes to non-mainstream films.

But this film was worthless except as a reminder that going to film school and making one good movie like "Welcome to the Dollhouse" (which I enjoyed) doesn't guarantee you can't make a piece of crap later.

I seriously kept waiting for the punchline, but all I got was a lame ending that seemed to be trying to teach me something, but wasn't sure what it wanted to say.

If the only problem were a confused message, then maybe the message could be its very lack of a message. But unless Solondz was actually trying to express how hard it is to make a decent movie with a message, then he's failed whatever it was he tried to achieve.

This movie was so bad that I actually registered on IMDb just to post this review. I'd advise against wasting your time with this unless you need a lesson in what not to do when writing a screenplay.
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