A sad disappointment of a sequel. (May Contain Spoilers)
14 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This game is the definition of wasted potential. Its a sad excuse for interactivity, and I'll tell you why.

When you first play this game, you'll be blown away. The tanker mission is amazing. The graphics are more breathtaking than the first, the gameplay is as exciting as the first. Everything is amazing.

It all goes downhill from there. It becomes a massive amount of talking, a little walking/dodging/shooting, and than even more talking.

Soon, the plot twists and turns in a convoluted, stupid way, causing a lot of nonsense. And to anybody who says that I couldn't keep up with the plot, I'll say to you this: I was predicting about half of the twists before they happened.

Sure, the game has alot of secrets, and a few tidbits of interesting interactivity, but I would much prefer being able to play a good, stealthy action game for ten minutes than watch a female hostage quickly close her legs if I try to peek up her dress, or a parrot recoil when I spray it in the face with coolant.

Also, the removal of you being able to play Solid Snake for about 90% of the game is horrible. Raiden is a pathetic character, and playing as him is garbage platforming incarnate. Kojima says he was a device to keep the CODEC in the game, as he claims the CODEC is integral, and Snake, being a seasoned veteran, wouldn't use it. Two problems: The CODEC is NOT more integral than the character of Solid Snake, and two, Snake himself spends so much time on the CODEC with you that he's obviously still in need of it. Plus, the other characters you contact by CODEC you do so once our twice, thereby making the CODEC almost completely useless.

There are no boss fights like in the original MGS to speak of. You clash with some bosses, but never kill them. If anybody claims you get to kill Vamp, think again. He gets shot up, shot in the head, etc., and you think a gut wound will kill him? Obviously not, because in the end, you can see him standing on the street watching Raiden and Snake after Raiden duels Solidus.

All this and much, much more mediocrity makes for a pathetic, overhyped let-down that I tried very hard to love but couldn't. pass this one up and just play the original Metal Gear Solid over again, which Konami would do well to remake for the PS2.
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