Review of WrestleMania XV

WrestleMania XV (1999 TV Special)
Ragin' Anti-Climax?
7 December 2000
Wrestlemania XV didn't live up to my expectations, which is not very surprising given that some of the show was haphazardly booked. I mean, pushing Road Dogg to the IC title and Gunn toward the Hardcore title made no sense given the opposite build up that had been going on for weeks (not to mention the fact that Road Dogg is NOT IC title material.) HHH still hadn't found himself, though his match with Kane was pretty good. X-Pac's bout with Shane was surprisingly enjoyable and one of the best matches of the night. The women's title match and the brawl for all were horrible, but hey, what were you expecting? The tag-title match made no sense, and the Hell in a Cell match was just plain abysmal. Still Austin and Rock put on a good, solid main event, though they would outdo themselves a month later. After first buying this PPV, I felt like I had wasted my money, but in retrospect, it wasn't horrible. Still, definitely not a great PPV by Wrestlemania standards. Do yourself a favor and watch X and VIII, for some truly memorable Wrestlemania action.
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