Soul Reaver 2 (2001 Video Game)
28 June 2002
A thousand words still isn't enough to say how excellent this game is. The voice acting in this game is truly excellent and each and every line is spoken with heart and feeling, along with an excellent and well thought out script, you just don't want to stop playing. Which is a shame, because the game is actually quite short. Also, the ending is left at yet ANOTHER cliff hanger, which leaves you wanting to play the third installment right away.

The graphics look excellent and the lip syncing is perfect, the facial expressions on each characters face can be clearly seen and you know exactly what their current emotion is, adding to the cinematic style of game play. Which, by the way, is excellent.

Each and every character in the game is regarded with the utmost detail, you have to play this game to see what a great job Crystal Dynamics have done with this game.

The battle system is also something to marvel at, It's so eloquently laid out so that you can get to grips with it within minutes. It's also fun to fight your enemies as while you're in battle with them they shout out things at you like:

''I'll send you to hell vampire!''

''I'll free your soul!''

''Return to hell!''

The characters have so much depth and personality, that at times you forget they're just graphics with people doing their voice. This game also contains about as much special features as a 2 disc DVD film (The features are earned by completing the game).

The only bad thing I have to say about this game is that the save system is a bit frustrating, not the actual saving, but the various dungeons/temples are quite challenging (which is good,) but, unlike in Soul Reaver, which I only bought after playing through Soul Reaver 2, it doesn't save your progress in the dungeons, you cannot save anywhere like you could in the first Soul Reaver.

There are a range of power-ups and modifications you can make to your primary weapon, the soul reaver, by completing the various forges, you can add elements to your reaver to help you in other situations (like melting ice with the fire reaver, for instance) and to kill enemies with.

As i said this game has so much depth, and each and every cinematic is excellent and professionally laid out (Soul Reaver 2's directing is considered movie quality) which is most probably where you would get most of the reply value, to view these excellent cinematics over and over again.

There are practically no loading times in Soul Reaver either, you can literally just turn on your PS2 and begin playing in minutes, so if you love your games with great story lines, graphics, game play and an all-round good time, then I advise you to and get this quick!
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