The Shaft (2001)
The Best 'Elevator Kills People' Movie Ever
20 June 2004
After being completely disappointed with The Ool, my friends and I stuck in The Shaft only to be completely delighted (ouch, bad one). The Shaft (or Down,as it was apparently called at one point) follows the exploited elevator industry as the poor machines have to fight off babies and blind men and roller bladers.

The Shaft is a perfect fit for anyone who wants some fun. I mean, look at that cast! It's B-movie heaven. Watching Ron Perlman's impassioned defense of the elevator industry is golden, and Naomi Watt's 'acting' is once again fun to watch.

The pacing is the real villain in this flick, as it drags on with useless characters and stupid tangents when elevators killing people really should have been the sole focus of the movie.

The climactic battle between the evil elevator which includes, yes, a rocket launcher that shoots invisible rockets, is golden. I will admit with little uncertainty, that this is simply the best Hedaya/Herrmann/Perlman/Ironside/Watts v. possessed elevator movie out there, and, for my money, was worth the fifty cent rental.

Rating: 2/10
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