Normal, Ohio (2000)
I loved it.
7 November 2000
I'm very partial to John Goodman in anything, but I was especially pleased to see him playing this new character. I think that him being a "normal" acting guy speaks in favor of the gay community by showing that not all gay men fall into the stereotype. Being a young gay man from Ohio myself also makes this show appealing, but I think that everyone should give it a chance. This show has potential, and I really hope it stays on the air for quite a while. Goodman makes this character interesting. As for comparing it to Roseanne, people will always see him as Mr. Conner. He spent years playing that role, and it is the one that he is most well known for. To sum it all up... Great show. Watch it a few times at least. (I'm taping every episode, and plan to watch it fanatically ;-)
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