Not only were they unluky, but also bad - not in the way intended -
9 December 2002
Well, being as forthcoming as I can, I have to admit that I wanted to watch Thirteen Ghosts for a really long time. I love haunted house films, and there was no reason why I should not like it. But it way surpassed my expectations. I was bad. Really bad. Not even Tony Shaloub nor Shannon Elizabeth could manage to save it. Ok so the SFX and sound are really good, but that isn't enough to save a movie. The characters were overly stupid, the plot dumb as well. As I watched the movie, I totally lost the interence halfway through. This movie is so down, that even House on Haunted Hill was better. No Kidding! What bothered me the most was how come when you see a movie like this you don't feel involved? This hasn't a begining, middle and endind pre defined; it's all a mess. Hallfway through you don't know where you are, and suddenly when you start to fairly understand the movie, it ends. Let's not even talk about Matthew Lillard's last appearance. How isn't he ashamed of coming out eversince?

In the movie connections area, there is that this movie references The Haunting (1999). DON'T believe it. This is garbage bin, The Haunting is a palace.
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