This movie is best viewed on DVD.
12 October 2002
As a movie, <i>Daydream Believers</i> seemed rather hastily put together, especially in terms of the script.  This is, perhaps, not the most informative or accurate bit you'll ever see about the Monkees.  However, the movie succeeds in telling a good story and championing the Monkees for their talent as entertainers <i>and</i> as musicians, as well as explaining with clarity some of the things about the Monkees that are commonly misunderstood.  It receives bonus points for very good casting, and for prominently featuring “All of Your Toys,” one of the Monkees’ great “lost” songs (and among the first the Monkees recorded together as a real band).

Where the movie is good, the DVD is great—not for any spectacular audio/video presentation, but in the extras.  Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork each have their own commentary tracks, on which they discuss various points on Monkee history from their own points-of-view.  These are very revealing and informative, and bless the movie for providing the platform for the Monkees to comment on the types of things that never come up in interviews.  But if you want interviews, the DVD also delivers rather lengthy ones by the three participating Monkees.  New Concorde should be commended for getting Monkee participation on this disc.  It transformed a somewhat inconsequential (albeit entertaining) movie into something really worthwhile.
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