Overall enjoyable, despite it's downfalls.
5 July 2000
If you take into consideration the lack of time given to the movie and the lack of time given to the actors to study their characters, I would have to say they did a very good job. When I heard that this movie was being made, I didn't expect it to be accurate! I didn't expect it to be anything but "Hollywood". I mean, hardly anyone ever gets it right anyways. No matter how many times it's published in good books, no matter how many times the Monkees themselves do interviews, barely anyone ever gets it right.

So in light of all that, I would say that they did a great job on this "Hollywood" movie. It was a fun film. It had it's funny parts, it had it's sad parts, and it had it's shocking parts (well, shocking to those who didn't know).

And the young actors who were chosen for the parts did excellent jobs, considering they weren't given very long to study their parts!! Aaron Lohr, for instance, had one weekend! George Stanchev got Davy's moves down, even if he didn't have his accent. Who could copy Davy's anyways? His was always a mix of Manchester, Liverpool and anything else he decided to throw in. Jeff Geddis also did a great job as Nez (Mike). And LB Fisher had Peter pretty much down! Was LB perhaps a fan as a child??

All in all in all, it was an enjoyable movie, despite the fact that it left out so much, chopped up so much, and ended so "Hollywood".
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