in turn enticed, enchanted and enthralled
24 September 2004
I saw this delightful film on first release as the second feature to "Barbarella" in, I think, late 1968. At first, it seemed not to have made too much of an impression and I promptly forgot all about it. Clearly though, something had been lodged in my subconscious, because the next time it was dusted off and aired(on Channel 4 I believe in the 70's) a previously muffled bell rang very loudly and I managed to snatch most of the soundtrack via a portable cassette recorder with its built in rubbish microphone. (This was, after all, before the days of VCRs). That audio tape was played and played to destruction. I realized I had, in turn, been enticed, enchanted and enthralled by the wonderful, simple storyline and the superb Les Reed / Barry Mason songs. I did manage, on the next showing, (again on Channel 4) to make a half decent video recording, which I still have and cherish to this day.

Now.... the results of some research... and I want to absolutely refute the suggestion by my wife that this is an obsession (she was with me in the cinema on first viewing and can't understand what all the fuss is about - how can I tell her that she is my Julie?)...

I spoke to "de Lane Lea" - who are still in business - and they, in turn, put me onto a lovely guy called Louis Elman who worked on the film (although I don't know in what capacity - any info?) and he had fond memories of the production. From his suggestions I tracked down the current copyright holders. They are Canal + Image UK Ltd who are based at Pinewood - they don't have a website, before you rush off to look! - and will provide a video copy from the original film stock for £75 plus Value Added Tax. Telephone (UK) +44 1753 631111 fax +44 1753 655813 ask for "Charlie".

More good news - the soundtrack was released in March '69 on LP by Polydor, number 583728. NB IT'S ON THE FLIP SIDE OF TWISTED NERVE. Download it (along with a few others in a compilation) at this site:


It costs $15 or so. I can really recommend it, the quality is terrific. And you get a super image of the original album cover! Check out the FAQ page first:

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