The Worst Film Of 2001! And, that's putting it nicely.
26 October 2001
First of all, let me just start off by saying, yes, I HATE Tom Green! To be honest, I really don't understand why the few people who do like him do!? What's the appeal? I'm speaking honestly right now. I'm not trying to seem like a snob, or insult people who like him, but, why? How can you feel what he does is funny? I'm not going to just bash him and his movie, I'm going to try and be fair in my review and actually try to discuss this movie, if such a thing is even possible. I think there is a story somewhere lurking behind all of this, about a grown man, he leads the life of a loser, and while yes he knows he's a loser, and seeks the acceptance of his father. It in a way is a coming to terms with one's self type of movie. But, in order for ANY movie to work, especially these types of movies, the viewer has to connect with the lead character, in this case, that would be Tom Green. How on Earth do I connect with this guy! How can I feel sorry for the way someone treats him? I think they're too easy on him! If I did even half of what this guy does to his family, let me tell you, I wouldn't be here right now typing this! I don't feel sorry for him, but instead I felt more sorry for the father. But, then again, can you really take a movie by Tom Green serious? Probably not. So how do I view this movie? Do I just try to lay back and enjoy it? Just take in whatever the movie offers? OK, if I do that, then I think this is one of the most tasteless, pointless, mindless, moronic, senseless, boring, dull, long, crude, disturbing, offensive, vile movies I've seen. Second worst to "Pink Flamingos", which is the ultimate king of bad movies! I could go on and keep on writing trying to prove my point, but, who cares, bottomline: STAY AWAY FROM THIS FU#$@^& PIECE OF JUNK. Here's a serious question for everyone. Should people like Tom Green be able to walk among the normal? ZERO out of ****
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