Well, Just You Wait! (1969–2017)
Funny in a childish but smart way
28 January 2004
Cartoon IS funny. One comment said that the "Roadrunner" was the "Nu pogodi!" creators aim. It was not. And anyone who thinks that unnoying loud bird blowing someone up again and again and agonizingly again in exactly the same manner until you have a kneejeark reaction is funny, should simply go back to kindergarten. I presume that the commenter was from Moscow, which makes the comment even more bizzarre. "Nu pogodi!" is meant for children. And made in Soviet times, when children were allowed to have their childhood. Trey were not required at the youngest age to watch swashbuckling and syrupy soap-opera kissing in cartoons and films made for kids by people who don`t know how to make films for kids and make just watered-down versions of adult products "with all the good stuff cut out". In "Nu pogodi!" the wolf is not actually a predator, but a hooligan, a schoolyard bully, an older and stronger type that likes to push around younger and the weaker. The use of the music is very appropriate and makes the cartoon sometimes histerically funny. The idea is to make fun, not to glare with sadistic anticipation how someone gets hurt endlessly, and when someone do get hurt in "Nu pogodi!" it is noted and calls for sympathy. People who made the cartoon are professionals at working for children audience, and their natural kindness and talent was put into this cartoon, even if inspired by some other Western work, but entirely capable of standing by itself and to get the highest points for being a good, non-aggressive comedy with kind humor.
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