Review of Love & Sex

Love & Sex (2000)
What a Waste!
4 December 2000
Poor Famke Janssen just can't find Mr. Right! This film, supposedly a 'funny' take on relationships, may do more to promote celibacy than any film since 'Mr. Wrong'! As she bounces like a pinball from one screw-up to another, you may find yourself wanting to fast-forward the film to the decent guy she HAS to find, at SOME point...but SURPRISE! you probably won't like her FINAL decision, either! I sat slack-jawed, and needed a stiff drink after THIS turkey!

She says, early in the film, that she's better at giving oral sex than at understanding a loving relationship; if this is the extent of her knowledge of men, no WONDER she has problems!

When the BEST part of a 95-minute film is a one-minute cameo by David Schwimmer, you know you're in trouble!

Watch 'Splendor', it's LIGHTYEARS better!
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