Review of Epoch

Epoch (2001 TV Movie)
Not a bad premise
16 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The main idea, that an energy being descended to Earth 4 billion years ago in order to monitor and create intelligent life on the planet, was interesting.

Minor spoilers ahead.

The being, now "encased" in a rocky 1/2 mile tall ship/monolith, periodically wipes the planet clean and starts over with a new dominant species. Of course this also explains the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Mankind is on the short list to be purged in the present day. Maybe it's going to try raccoons or something next.

The acting is mediocre at best. You know it's bad when Brian Thompson is one of the better actors in it. The other characters are cut out 2 dimensional figures that nobody really cares about. They cut so many corners in order to squeeze this into 90 minutes they lose anything of value. Maybe as a mini-series with better actors and more complex plot development it might have resulted in a superior effort worthy of the basic premise. Unfortunately they chose the quickie version and it shows.

All in all an OK attempt at a difficult plot. I'd give it a 5 or 6.
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