Tolle Lage (2000)
Typical bad German "Comedy"
19 October 2001
This film combines everything why the normal, the typical German picture is not successful in any other country. This one has not been in Germany too, though: It tries to be funny- but it is not. It tries to have a meaning- but is has not. Or, at least, I was unable to figure it out.

The plot is set in a holiday camp in Eastern Germany. Because there is nothing else to do all people at this camp are meeting in the shop, where a vietnamese student is jobbing. Then there is a man who robbed a bank and tries to hide himself in this camp, and some very "funny" jokes, such as the student talking to his girlfriend while talking as the discjockey of the local campradio...

And, again, there we have the problem: Since this should be a comedy, you expect some jokes, maybe decent, maybe to laugh loud. But there is not a single funny line in the whole picture! I laughed at no time. And because the movie claims to be a comedy, the director has not intended it to be, let us say, exciting, or the characters to be true to live, or something that makes this thing worth seeing. So, after all: A really disappointing movie. Hopefully it will be forgotten soon. 1 point out of 10, and maybe this is still too much.
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