What Is Happening To Hollywood?
9 July 2001
***News Flash***

This just in. (Sound of the teletype in the background)

In a wild turn of events, major Hollywood studio green-lights the remake of the Keanu Reeves/Gary Busey classic, "Point Break."

The action packed feature will this time take a slight turn from the beach to the asphalt where hot and chewy hunks Vin Diesel and Paul Walker team-up or for a better word, search for the Zen of street racing in the streets of Los Angeles County......

What a sad turn of events.

Has our society stopped so low as to accept such pithy film production to the point of remakes of movies that really didn't work the first time?

Don't get me wrong, the flair for the dramatic was quite impressive in Point Break's sky diving scene over Lake Mead, but other then that, it was just another movie of little substance and content. While the acting in F & the F is good, as is the direction, it all comes down to the content. From an artistic standpoint, why was this movie even being made?


And lots of them.

***Note to myself*** Properly discpline myself for going to see this movie by sticking hot needles into my eyes. Hopefully it will be worth the lesson of wasting $8.50.

***Side note*** I saved myself by purchasing "Best In Show" and will put off the hot needles for a later date. Most likely Jurassic Park III.
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