Be disappointed. Be very disappointed.
18 April 2004
'The Blair Witch Project' is, in my view, a near-masterpiece of the supernatural, and an audacious and thrilling leap into the dark in terms of popular movie-making technique.

You would think then, that its sequel couldn't possibly live up this high standard, wouldn't you?

And you would be absolutely right. 'Blair Witch 2' has about as much in common with its predecessor as 'Ishtar' does with 'Casablanca'. I won't even dignify it with an attempt to explain its plot. It has none of the atmosphere or suspense of the original, and doesn't even make a token effort to achieve it. It is utter Z-grade rubbish. I find it hard to imagine that the original producers or writers had anything to do with this follow-up, and if they did, they ought to be put in a bag full of owls.

Ghastly, idiotic rubbish. The only thing that frightens me about it is that some people probably prefer it to the original.
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