It is not that bad
3 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Oh c'mon! It ain't that bad! I mean, the acting is bad, there are as many plot holes as you can find in a Swiss cheese, but hey, it is still good entertainment for 98 minutes. Just don't expect too much of it.

The plot is very simple and we've seen it all before (it contains elements of "Assault On Precinct 13", "Pitch Black" and some other films), but I liked the way the story was told through flashbacks and even more flashbacks within those flashbacks. (Spoiler) Although I'm asking myself why our "heroes" had to go back after they managed to get on the train. And I didn't like the ending, it was so clichéd (end of spoilers).

The movie is visually interesting to look at and there are many violent fight scenes and when the possessed mutilate themselves it is pretty graphic. The movie is not scary though, it is just an action flick which happens to be set on Mars. And yeah, I liked the music (it is from Anthrax and John Carpenter).
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