The Score (2001)
Okay film.
15 July 2001
The score is a very good drama suspense movie until it reaches it's third act, when it immediately turns cliched, and I could have sworn that I had seen every scene in the third act before with different faces.

An intelligent drama, with enough attention to the characters to make it human too. But, as soon as that third act begins, it takes the easy, cliched way out, and falls into a terrible mess.

Angela Basset's character could have been cut out, then the movie would have been shorter and better. Also, the motivation from that girlfriend thing is cliched.

The three leads all deliver powerhouse, possible Oscarworthy performances. Brando is hilarious and very realistic as De Niro's boss. De Niro finally does a good job in a good movie- that hasn't happened since Heat. His character is traditional De Niro, and he plays him really well. But the standout showstealer is Edward Norton. Every single performance this kid has given with the exception of "Everybody Says I Love You" has been in my mind Oscarworthy. He again shows us that he can give us an intense performance that is also funny, and shows more of how the character is.

Good cinematography, and mediocre Shore Score, and slightly flawed direction by muppeteer Franzk Oz are some the the film's elements that I have not mentioned.

You should rent this flick, it's not worth theatre prices, and it has no huge F/X that condemn it to be seen only at the theatre. Just don't expect a crime movie like Heat.
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