Forget the #5 in the title, it's good enough as a stand-alone.
4 November 2000
Well, I bought this one right away, knowing how I liked the rest in the series. Following the ending of #4 I wondered what would happen here. Well, now you have a new team to work with. So, forget about viewing this one as if it were a sequel. Look at it as if it were a stand-alone film. The budget might not be there like it was for Patriot, MI2, or X-Men, but the cast and crew do well within their constraints. Maybe it's not everyone's choice of titles to own, but I definitely recommend checking it out. You've got government conspiracy, terrorism, emotion, and psychological warfare, not to mention the physical type as well, wrapped up in this film. Just don't pass it up for its title, you'll be missing out if you do.
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