Review of G.O.D.

G.O.D. (2001)
Well... it was filmed in the city I live in...
1 March 2003
...and that's about all the positive stuff I can say about this movie. Actually, scratch even that, because the murky and dark photography make my city look horrible. Speaking of "horrible", that's what can be described about everything else in this movie. Jalal Merhi is horrible; not only is his acting bad (sometimes his accent makes it impossible to make out what he's saying), his martial arts sequences are unbelievably amateurish and boring.

Olivier Gruner, on the other hand, gets NO opportunity to perform martial arts. Yes, they hired a martial arts actor, and NOT ONCE does he do any martial arts! David Carradine looks badly weathered and ill, sluggishly doing the little he's given.

Though running just 90 minutes, I swear it felt more like 150. The movie is so slow, so boring, so uneventful that it soon became agony to watch. Even masochists would have a problem sitting through this. Even die-hard fans of Gruner or Carradine would be better off passing this up. As well as fans of Merhi - that is, if he has any left after the long string of absolutely awful movies he's made during his "acting" career.
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