Greed: The Series (1999–2000)
Oh come on!!
2 February 2000
FOX has never really seemed to treat it's viewers as intelligent adults, hence the "animals attack" and "wild police video" series. And now we have.... Greed. And this show debuted right after the hubub over Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Coincidence? I think not.

But in all fairness, in it's own sadistic way, Greed is actually an entertaining show! The whole "trust no one" air is fairly enthralling and the suspension that Chuck creates around the questions is sucessful in it's own way. Even though commercials run freely the higher on the tree the contestants get, the show is a fun waste of time. I found myself cheering in spite of myself when one team reached the $2,000,000 level.

It's just the scenes with the "Eliminator" that are hard to watch....
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