Review of Octopus

Octopus (2000 Video)
A MST3K Prospect
26 September 2001
We watched this video last night, the plot is so poor they continued to cut away to stock movie footage of a cruise ship to fill time. I insist you must watch this movie just for the laugh! If I were in the Navy it would be insulting to me to see sailors cry, whine, and commit suicide rather than following the C.O.'s orders. Of course, that would follow that the CO gave some orders to begin with. At one point when Casper Escapes, the Capitan doesn't even call for a ship wide search, no instead we see everyone go about their business aboard the sub as if nothing else mattered. Now as to the monster (who takes a back seat through most of the movie) I find it rather strange that a nuclear explosion doesn't have any effect on the creature but hey! maybe a few sticks of dynamite will?? And a good thing to avoid in any movie is handing someone a time bomb with less than 4 minutes on the clock and then talking and kissing for the next 2 minutes. I suspect that in a few years we can expect to see "Octopus" hacked on by the MST3K crew, which it so rightly deserves.
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