Korean Horror at it's best and worst.
22 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this film an 8 out of 10. It was hard to give an Asian suspense film less than a 9, but this film has a few holes. While the acting is superb and the atmospheric scenery is only rivaled by the American film Seven, it's plot falls weak towards the end. It all comes together and makes sense at the end, but there is something disturbing about it. We know there are atleast 2 killers for shear continuity reasons. Because Detective Oh (Yes that is his name), dies while the main villain is in the custody of the lead detective. (Side note, not to sound stereotypical, I admire the Asian community a great deal, but that is the only problem I have with watching Asian film. The names do not stick out because they are all almost the same. With the exception of Detective Oh. So my appologies on not naming anyone other than Detective Oh.) Anyway, what we do not know is why in the hell she wanted to attack the lead villain in Tower Records. We do not know why the family back story turns into a big mess at the end. We do not know why the lead killer would leave evidence of a drastic nature behind. Nor do we know why that eerie painting did not raise the attention of the police when the knew good and well a head would turn up next. I don't know, maybe the subtitles we not translated well enough. Maybe if I knew Korean I would understand the film better. Maybe if I saw the film outside the US it would have had scenes that America did not show. What I do know: This is a great cinematic achievement both visually and acted. The film has some great special effects, such as what I am sure is real animals blood. You see Eastern film is so uncompromising because they do not have to deal with a disturbingly PC Hollywood community. Anyway the only flaws may lie in the American cut, so I cannot go below an 8. I believe the film made since in Korea. If anyone knows where I can get a subtitled Director's Cut of this film please let me know. It breaks my heart to give this film less than a 9.
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