Review of Anya's Bell

Anya's Bell (1999 TV Movie)
Excellent acting from Della Reese
27 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am a real fan of Della Reese as an actress and looked forward to watching this movie. The story is about a young boy in an early but troubled teens and a blind woman who has to find her own independence after the death of her mother. Like all good friendships theirs has its ups and downs, but it develops enough for Scott and Anya to learn to appreciate each other and to learn to overcome what is stopping them from being truly independent: his learning disability and her blindness. It was really moving how Anya is able to draw the best out of Scott and make him confident. Throughout the movie you can see how Scott's relationship with his mother is in turmoil who borders on despair at times. The story deals with dyslexia which was not well known about in 1949 when the film takes place, and which at times is still not recognized as something that can be treated. However with Anya's encouragement Scott and his mother seek out treatment and find he has dyslexia and a new life starts for Scott; one of hope and possibilities. When Scott returns home after the tests he finds that Anya has died and he runs off to seek out his grandparents. In the process of seeking them out he also starts the possibility of them and his mother mending their wounds. When he returns from his grandparents, Anya's lawyer comes to their house and says that Anya left money for Scott's education and the future looks like it is going to be good for Scott and his mother.
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