Not until the last 10 minutes did it scare me.
9 July 2001
At first, I found this movie a joke, completely comedic. The participants did not seem at all genuine. I felt that it was going to be a waste of my money and that all of it would be people scaring themselves. I still watched it however and at times, I did cling to my pillow. I never viewed The Blair Witch Project, but from what I have heard, it was all too fake. The producer said that all of it was real, but you never know, it was Hollywood. Throughout the first half of the film, They only said that they felt cold spots or saw something they "they didn't catch on film" The history was rather hard to believe. I was quite disappointed, and not until the last ten minutes of the film did I get scared. But then again, I get scared easily. But all in all, it did have an effect on me, and for the remainder of the day, I didn't walk into any dark rooms.
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