Review of Agent Red

Agent Red (2000)
If you like submarine movies you'll really hate this one!!!
25 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The only enjoyable thing about watching this movie is making fun of it. The plot makes no sense at all. The movie making problems are numerous. The opening scene has Lundgren involved in a mission stealing what would appear to be a US Stealth aircraft, but from whom? Some of them wear US uniforms and some wear a hodge podge of various other uniforms. It is not explained. The "submarine" set looks nothing like a sub including concrete pillars and cinder block walls in some shots.

THE FOLLOWING INCLUDES PLOT SPOILERS but since the movie is very predictable they don't spoil much.

Here are just a few of the problems: It is not explained how the terrorist get on to the sub in such great numbers. The virus incapacitates and kills most of the crew within seconds but the terrorists continue to operate fine for a long time when exposed very directly to the virus. Dolph Lundgren's actions directly result in the destruction of a US submarine and crew but is portrayed in the movie as heroic. A US fighter plane changes into a Swedish fighter and is then shot down by the terrorists in the sub using a missile designed to sink surface ships. The US Navy then launches fighter aircraft who launch air-to-air missiles which miraculously turn into torpedos. The many torpedoes fail to hit the sub in spite of no one being in the control room to launch counter measures or take any evasive action. The two remaining characters at the end of the movie have about a zero percent chance of knowing how to surface a submarine but don't seem worried.

I could list many more.
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