The 6th Day (2000)
It's okay when it's not horrible
4 February 2001
Unfortunately this was one of the biggest flops of 2000. Arnie still kicks ass and there is no denying it. But beneath the horrid effects and poor script this movie raises important questions about human cloning and gives VERY good reasons as to why it should NEVER happen.

We all know the plot by now. Arnie comes home from work only to find that he's already there and celebrating his own birthday. What a high concept idea! But the execution of it and the bad script turn it into a shambles.

The action is badly done and the SFX are pathetic. I usually don't care much for SFX but I wasn't particularly impressed with this movie. Those helicopters that can turn into jet planes are soooooo tacky.

Many of us doubted Arnie after Batman and Robin and End of Days (I was one of them) but he has proved himself here once again as an action hero who can still be the lead in a movie, even if it still a crap one. Age has not slowed him down and it doesn't look like it will for a while yet. He has still got a few more action movies to go. Maybe one day we'll get a third Terminator.
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