Bamboozled (2000)
6 May 2001
Bamboozled: ***1/2

"Bamboozled" is a satire. And like every satire they're is a target that they are mocking. "Bamboozled" mocks both African Americans and Minstrel shows. The satire that is "Bamboozled" is original, intriguing, while shocking and racist.

"Bamboozled" is about Piere Delicroix (Damn Wayans) who is practically a white man in black skin. His boss (Michael Rapaport) is "more black than he is." He wants a new hip show for African Americans because all Delicroix makes is "crap." Aiming to get fired, he creates a minstrel show called "Mantan: The New Millenium Minstrel Show." It's a racist show that stars all African Americans in jet black make-up with huge red lips. At first the show is shocking to the viewers. But they catch on and the show becomes a hit. So Mantan (Savion Glover) and his side-kick Sleep'n'Eat (Tommy Davisdson) go on making the show along with Honeycutt (Thomas Jefferson Byrd), Topsy (Dormeshia Sumbry), Aunt Jemina (Tyheesha Collins), and Lil' Nigger Jim (Cartier Williams).

"Bamboozled" is a brilliant satire with the help of Wayans, Glover, and Davidson. Jada Pinkett-Smith is there, too as Delicroix's assistant. It was written smartly, it is shocking at times, but that is why the movie is here. To shock. To shock audiences. It is unbelievably racist, but that is the point. This isn't getting laughs for shock value (Tom Green, David Spade, etc.) it is shocking to prove the point of the movie, which doesn't really exist except for the fact that Delicroix wants to be fired.

Then, we have the minstrel show. And here is the only place where "Bamboozled" takes a fall. The show is shockingly racist, as it's suppose to be, but not as funny as the "audience" makes it out to be. I did not laugh during the minstrel show. It was the only real place that I felt bored at.

Glover and Davidson are good actors and I believe they will have a good career ahead of them. Wayans has a stupid accent to make him more "white." And Pinkett-Smith takes a dramatic turn and suceeds with flying colors.

"Bamboozled" has it's faults, it's racist, prejudice, sometimes mean-spirited, and brilliant
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