Medal of Honor (1999 Video Game)
Finally, the playstation has a first-person-shooter to rival Goldeneye on Nintendo 64
16 April 2000
Medal Of Honor came out as a surprising title. The game is a first-person-shooter and takes place during World War 2 in the period between 1944 and 45 in locations in France, Norway and Germany.

You play an American soldier who is sent on missions to cripple Hitler-Germany. Like Goldeneye on the N64, you have lots of cool missions to perform, and there are more to the levels than just shooting like in Quake or Doom.

Unlike most other games in the genre, MOH has a storyline, which unfolds as you play the game. The graphics are very sharp and mostly flawless, but sometimes there are some slowdown and pop-up, but you`ll hardly notice. The gameplay is very good, and makes killing the Wehrmacht-troops a lot more enjoyable.

Being a Norwegian, I was happy to see genuine Norwegian language and Nazi-propaganda from the War, during the missions in Norway. Though I don`t understand why some doors in France had Norwegian text on them, but mostly, the developers have done a good job on this game.

If you want a quality first-person-shooter with a good storyline and cool missions instead of just lame shooting, Medal Of Honor is THE playstation-game to choose.

Recommended! 9/10
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