Dumber than Dumb and Dumber
27 August 2001
This is simply a terrible movie. I should have known, since it stars one of the Baldwins (one of the lesser baldwins). Basically the movie is about two stupid brothers who incidently work for a crime boss. Their job is to help get Michael Madsen's character free from the FBI. Madsen has the choice of a long stretch in prison or witness protection and testimony against his boss.

Basically the movie is an unbearable double road trip movie (the FBI guy and Madsen on one trip and the two brothers on another). The brothers aren't too bright and that is supposed to be funny. The FBI guy is incredibly uptight for which Madsen makes fun of him, again supposedly funny. At the end the FBI guy is not so uptight, and the brothers prove to not be quite that stupid.

Oh, and this movie makes a stab at being politically correct. The crime boss isn't Italian, he has a black secretary and a huge samoan body guard. Of course the brothers are right out of Goodfellows, complete with the gold chains, shiny clothes, greasy hair, and Italian mother.

Basically there is no reason to watch this movie. It tries to be funny a couple of times, but fails so miserably that it is hard to even realize that it was supposed to be funny. The level of action is more appropriate for a TV show. In fact if the movie were cut down to 45 minutes plus commercials, and called something like "The misadventures of so-and-so" it might be worth watching. In fact the same can be said for basically all of Michael Madsen's movies. In fine, not quite terrible enough for a 1/10, but definitely no more than 2/10.
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