E.T. it ain't
8 July 2001
I don't know what all the raving is about but for my money this was a totally lame movie. If you can get past the insipid story line the first hour or so isn't half bad. (Aside from the fact that the concept of consequences for ones actions is nowhere to be found). Then the movie somehow degenerates into a mish-mash combination of "Total Recall" "Water World" and "The Wizard of Oz". Halfway through you cease to care even remotely and just wish the damn thing was over. The obsessive theme of David's "love" is at best perverse and reminds me more of a junior stalker than a loving "son". We could have done without more than 1/3 of the movies since it lends nothing to the story line and simply served to take up time. The story line is so full of inconsistencies and holes that at times it seems more like a comedy than a serious film. I half expect to see Eric Idle popping out of the wood work. After several nonsensical convolutions in plot and story line we end up with an even more insipid ending, replete with the "son" drifting off to sleep with his mummy in bed. The irony of it all is that David, didn't need to become a "real boy" he had already become a Golden Retreiver. (oh please love me, please, please, please love me..) ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Steven, you CAN do better than this!
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