FOX... Call it a day already!
28 August 2000
I don't even know why I'm writing this! It's just a waste of time, but most of the people out there will agree with me. The Whole Power Rangers fad is dead! I started watching when the show hit the UK in '94. I thought It was the best thing on TV! (Anyone would at 10 Years of age). The Original show was going great guns until they started writing out the main cast in Droves and changing the whole format of the show. The Power Zords were tolerable then the Ninja ones, but once they started introducing the Shoguns Zords, It hit me: Why bother any more?

This show was once fresh, But two many changes were made. Plus Saban turned it into a cash cow and milked it dry!

Anyone who is still hooked on the show needs to give it a rest!
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