Caitlin's Way (2000–2002)
When will it end?
10 July 2001
I absolutely _abhor_ this show and the fact that Nickelodeon picked it up to show on their so-called "kids" network. It's about a teenage girl whose a stereotypical street rat who's been shuffled from foster home to foster home since the untimely death of her mother. And she had to grow up fast, how typical of a teen show comedy or drama. Then after getting in trouble with the law, her options are juvie hall or to live with her aunt and uncle in a redneck town in Montana. Sure enough, she ends up in Montana, but she still has an attitude problem and acts like a punk. And the only thing Caitlin harbors love for his her horse. What was Nickelodeon thinking when they picked up this show? This is shown to kids? This could give kids a bad message that it's okay to disrespect your elders (Yes, people, Caitlin is rude to everyone around her!) and act like a smart-allecky street urchin! This show isn't good for teenagers, either. When will all this a-kid-grows-up-fast-and-acts-and-talks-like-an-adult-and/or-smart alleck crap going to end? Can't kids and teens on TV shows JUST ACT NORMAL?! I think that it's high time Caitlin's Way gets a one-way ticket to hiatus-land! It was be for the better if this show never came to television again. If you don't want your children growing up too fast too soon or running away and living on the streets, and telling people off, and getting in trouble with the law, then find something better to say....Get Smart?
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