Skipped Parts (2000)
skip this movie.
14 January 2002
i can safely say that Skipped Parts is without a doubt one of the worst movies i have ever seen. why did Jennifer Jason Leigh stoop? the only answer i can think of is that out of desperation for income she convinced herself that taking on the role of Lydia, a southern nymphomaniac motherly type with nice cleavage and a bad dye job, she would open herself up to a more diverse audience of incest supporters, pregnant adolescents, rodeo enthusiasts, and adulterers.

all the characters are unlikeable and annoying save for sole tolerable performance given by Sam's bible banging steady girlfriend ("...that's not how the Nazarene's kiss!"). the acting - unconvincing, the story - unamusing, and the flattering synopsis on the back of the movie cover - untrue.
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