Review of Lies

Lies (1999)
Profound, intriguing, or just a comic pornographer with a rabble of prostitutes?
13 June 2004
I was unfortunate enough to catch the last 15-20 minutes of this movie one late night. I was horrified. How it could be played on cable TV without some kind of warning in the title, i don't know.

It was on again last night. I dared not turn the channel.

It scares me that this movie was allowed to come into Australia. I mean, yeah its art blah blah, but how did it get thru those Christian groups who lobbied against eyes wide shut and that french film that had real sex. Cos this is not faked lovie dovie sex. Its awful, and it turned me off having sex if it looked like that! i mean, ew! wrongness!

So: If you're into the whole S&M beating the ass with stuff, well go ahead, watch it. But if you have a weak stomach, or cant handle graphic sex scenes, don't watch it.
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