The Contender (2000)
Paging Michael Mann. A spoiler or two (maybe)
16 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
THE CONTENDER is a pro-democratic anti-republican mess of propaganda and preaching, with some very strong points, though.

The acting in this film is very good, the editing and cinematopgrpahy are pretty good, and the value of women's rights is strong. This movie is good, and enjoyable. But it is not great.

As one other user as mentioned, the direction is a bit preachy, the pro-democrat stuff is very obvious, and Sam Elliot looks like he's having trouble acting without a horse.

What this film needed was Michael Mann, director of "The Insider", "Heat", "The Last of the Mohicans", "Manhunter", and some other well directed films. This film is Hollywood, when it could have been a really taut, interesting political thriller, had Man directed it. However, Lurie's Hollywood and light style hamper it's message and it's style and quality. Also, small things effected this film. This may be a spoiler so look out! During the protagonists closing speech at her confirmation, a patriotic Hollywood music plays. Look at the scene in "The Insider" where Wigand has his interview for 60 minutes, a music plays afterwords that shows the pain and suffering he has gone through, as well as the power and enrgey it took for his answers, it made it a powerful, but not at all persuasive or patriotic or heroic speech. In The Contender, the protagonist's speech could have been just as powerful as Wigand's with the mucis played after Wigands. Just small little things.

In the end, THE CONTENDER is worth watching, but don't expect All the President's Men, The Candidate, or any of the memorable courtroom drama's prodiced by Hollywood. Too Hollywood, small mistakes, good acting.

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