Severe Disappointment
7 May 2000
The story starts 8 years ago (I can't believe it's been that long). I was a sophomore in high school when my friend and I decided to rent Faces of Death II. I know, I know, but give us a break. We were dateless high school losers who needed a little gore to break up the monotony of another lonely Friday night. Anyways, before witnessing the abominable horror of staged death scenes, there was a trailer for a little movie called Brotherhood of Death. Imagine scenes of redneck Ku Klux Klan redneck types gettin' their come-uppins from an angry group of Vietnam-hardened brothas. Further imagine this with funk music in the background and a foreboding voice incessantly repeating "Brotherhood... OF DEATH!!!"

My life was forever changed by that trailer. I actually made my friend stop Faces of Death in the middle of it so we could rewind the tape and watch the trailer over and over. Thus began a long 8 year search for Brotherhood of Death.

I finally found a copy for $10 last summer. As I popped the cassette into the VCR, I giddily prepared myself for an hour and a half of Man-bashing. What I got was pure, unadulterated crap. It certainly had a moment (maybe two) of enjoyment, but was far from the blaxploitation classic I had built it up to be in my mind. The Vietnam scenes looked like they were filmed in the woods behind my house. Yes, whitey got it good, but not until the last 5 minutes of the movie. Much like my review here, the movie was too long (at 90 minutes!) and delivered nothing but disappointment. Perhaps this a consequence of the time period it took me to find the movie. After 8 years, my expectations surpassed what Brotherhood of Death could have possibly delivered. Or maybe it was just a bad, bad movie.

My suggestion: rent Faces of Death II and watch the trailer for Brotherhood of Death. If you're a blaxploitation fanatic as I am, I guarantee you'll want to go out and find a copy after viewing the trailer. Resist these temptations!! Pretend that the trailer really is the movie. You'll be much more satisfied that way.
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