been a while since a film was this boring...
19 September 2001
This could be so much better..!

First of all the acting was not more than average, it consisted mainly of desperation or screaming, maybe these are good actors (which they probably are), but this script just didn't served them at all. It was predictable as hell (yeah, I know camp, cliches..blablabla...well had enough of them, I want something fresh). Tension (which seemed a big point in the beginning) was o.k., but became a dreadful boring factor (what do you expect if you just take really long breaks in dialogue and very long shots.) And the symbolism...oh, after 25 minutes it was clear monsieur Ozon likes symbolism, well I do to, but it doesn't have to spelled out in big f@$#ing neon signs (sorry about that). So sexuality, Hansel und Gretchen and a bit crime...that's a promising concept..but what a way of totally misusing this concept.

I do think there were two positive aspects: visually this film wasn't a total waste of exercise and I'm gonna think thrice next time standig in the videostore holding a Francois Ozon film.

I know it is a harsh comment, but I just really missed the commitment in this film, everything was done half...or not even half...

Do not see this unless you appreciate his work or think the blonde actress alone is a reason (which is something I can imagine), because I haven't been dissapointed this much in months.
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